
We kindly inform you that today’s Final Concert part 1 “Vocal Night” due to the uncertain weather will take place in the concert hall of The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Kraków, at 43 st. Tomasz street, at 7.00 p.m.
We cordially invite you!

Special guest of this year’s workshops!
A jazz legend, a master of improvisation, an outstanding pianist –

Fot. Stanisław Bryg


July 24, Piec Art Club, ul. Szewska 12, 20:00
Opening Concert

July 28, Piec Art Club, ul. Szewska 12, 20:00
Teacher’s Concert

July 29, The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Kraków, 43 św. Tomasza street, 19:00
Final Concert part 1 “Vocal Night”

July 30, The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Kraków, 43 św. Tomasza street, 18:00
Final Concert part 2

July 31, Piec Art Club, ul. Szewska 12, 20:00
“Koncert Na BIS!”

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