
28th International Summer Jazz Academy 2024

Vocalists:  850 PLN
Instrumentalists: 750 PLN

Accommodation and food are not included in the above price.

Accommodation:  560 PLN (8 days)
Location: Students’ House “Bratniak”, 10/12 Jabłonowskich Street
(Participants will be accommodated in double rooms and triple rooms).

check-in: July 21 (Sunday)
check out: July 29 (Monday)

Meals:  385 PLN

“Stołówka Jabłonka” (canteen name)
12 Jabłonowskich Street (next to Students’ House “Bratniak”)

Breakfast and lunch

From July 22 to July 28 (incl.)

* In the event of resignation fees are non-refundable.


by bank transfer (wire)

Stowarzyszenie Artystyczno-Edukacyjne Jazzowy Kraków
30-428 Kraków, ul. Zdunów 18/8
Account number: PL 35 1090 1665 0000 0001 5156 7710
Title: “ISJA 2024, Student’s name”